Maturity is a Myth

Ayushi Sinha
2 min readApr 20, 2020
A child with a moustache

Have you ever looked up what a myth is? its a widely held false belief or idea. I am sure most of you know by know what my article is about.

Maturity is a myth, it’s just a term made up by the society to separate childishness from adult life. It is used by people to shut people up by slapping the tag of an immature person on their face.

It was so seriously taken into consideration that society made a rule book for people to behave according to it. A mature would do this, a mature person would never do that, I am sure you have heard these lines more often than i respect your decision.

Maturity is deeply engraved with ego, such that you can piss off someone just by calling them a kid and immature.
A person is expected to take his life decisions according to the rules of a mature person, even if it means neglecting their own mental health. Because that’s what it takes to earn respect. Bullshit! No respect is going to cure your anxiety disorders. Antidepressants are not an inevitable part of adult life.

This maturity theory has forced people to leave their roots. It’s okay to take a break from your responsibilities, and if you feel like you are healing, then it’s okay to run away, like you did when you were a child.

Expressing your feelings is not a sin. Wanting attention is not wrong. Thinking about yourself before others is not selfish, it’s important, because believe me this world, will take away everything if you are willing to change yourself, it will snatch away your identity.

Ever seen your parents, complaining about the loop they are stuck in? Because even they don’t realize that it’s normal and okay to think about themselves,take a break from responsibilities.
People are always expected to be mature, wl that’s not how people are, everyone is different, everyone is smart in something that other’s aren’t.
Everyone is mature, and everyone is a child.

Don’t get me wrong I know a part of the crowd who are wiser, rational and might always be right. But that’s not maturity that’s smartness which comes from experience.A boy who lost his father to cancer will think 100 times before smoking, that makes him smart because he had an experience in it.

Adult life is not supposed to be a nightmare, it is supposed to be simpler because now things start making sense.
It’s too late to extract the theory of maturity from society but we still can be what we want to be without considering what society wants us to be.

And honestly you should consider what I am saying, believe me I am really mature in this field😉

