Its a Hoax!

Ayushi Sinha
2 min readMay 22, 2020

The image that you have of yourself is a hoax. The way you define yourself, your characteristics, your goals, your principles everything.
And thats the best part. you get to define yourself everytime you learn something. You can never put a fullstop at your description, you change every second.
And its not only you, everyone has a different veiw about you. But that doesn’t matter.Because that doesnt change you, how you veiw yourself changes every bit of you.
Try this way, imagine yourself standing in scorching sun listening to a speech of your professor, the minute you think yourself weak, the minute you define yourself as a person who cant stand long in sun, you will fall down. thats how strong your mind works.It decieves you to think you are special. that you are too weak or too strong, either way special than others.
thats what fucks you up, when you are not treated special.

Everyone has their own battle to fight.
Don’t get me wrong, you might be special, but treat yourself that way, dont expect people to treat you the same. When you categorize yourself as someone ‘special’, you start changing your description, your characteristics, your behaviour. you are not 5 anymore, people dont give shit about things that doesnt affect them, its the truth, reality sucks but you are a part of it.
Even you wont shed a tear. That doesnt make you a bad person. Thats human, thats how this world works.

The more you make yourself believe that you are special and everything is about you, the more you lose your mind.
Collect your shit and this time define yourself as someone who doesnt give a fuck about anything, the person who knows how to be less and less involved in others life, because sweetie you got own life to untangle, to explore your potentiality and your purpose. Maybe what you search in others,is somewhere inside you, because you define who you are.

Find out the best thing you love about others and next time when you sit and describe yourself add those in hidden talents.

